The Bhutia community is an Ethnic group primarily found in the Indian State of Sikkim. Bhutia community have a rich and distinct cultural heritage, with unique traditions and customs.
Here are some aspects of the Bhutia community’s origin and history.
Bhutias are one of the earliest inhabitants of the “Greater Sikkim” they migrated from southern part of Tibet and are of Tibetan origin. The Bhutias called themselves as “Lhopos or Lhorees” which means the dwellers of the southward and are the descendants of Khye Bhumsa the chieftain of Bhutia People.
The Sikkimese history can be demarcated into three different phases corresponding to the Buddhist era of tempo ngadar-bardar-chidar (The early, medieval and modern phases related to the institutionalization of dharma)
- The early phase: 8th
- The medivial phase 13thto 16th
- The modern phase 16thcentury onwards.
The early phase dates pre 8th century pre-dominantly revolves around the great Indian saint Maha Guru Padmasambhava’s visit to Sikkim enroute to Tibet, and the works of different sacred treasure revealers (tertons).
The medieval phase dates 13th century onwards when the 25th king of Minyag Angdong (kham Tibet) called Zhalnga Guru Tashi started for a pilgrimage around central Tibet with his five sons, during the late 13th century A.D. These five princes were Khye-bumsa, Guru-shesing, Jho-tendong, Jho kartsog, and Pasi Kujyo. When they reached Lhasa, Jho Rinpoche a statue of Buddha spoke and directed them to proceed towards Sikkim to which they complied with accordingly.
On the way to Sikkim in a place called Sakya in Tibet, King Guru Tashi found the monks and lay people were constructing the monastery, the workers were desperately trying to erect the main pillars of the monastery brought from the four different directions of Kongbo, Mochu, Nepal and Ladakh but without any success. Consequently, his eldest son erected the same single handedly which otherwise would have required the strength of thousand well built men. Thus he obtained the title Khye-Bhumsa meaning one with strength of thousand well built men. Out of gratitude and happiness the sakya hierarch offered the hand of his daughter Jhumo Guru to Khye bhumsa for marriage. Eventually the couple came down and settled in Chumbi Valley while his four brothers moved further south into what is today’s Bhutan.
After the passage of several years the couple was childless. Upon learning about a legendary Lepcha Hierarch Thekong Thek of Sikkim, who was duly venerated as an emanation of the Guru Rinpoche, they instantly decided to seek his blessings. On meeting him, Khye Bumsa requested him for a boon of a son, to which Thekong thek relented. After this they went back to Chumbi and were blessed with three sons 1. Kyawo rab(Swindler), 2. Langmo rab(plough men) 3. Mipon rab(leader of men) and also prophesized that one of the descendants of Khye Bhumsa would reign over Sikkim. Out of gratitude and to pay tribute to the great Lepcha Patriarch with gifts and offerings they visited him again at Kabi Longtsok(north Sikkim). During this meeting the Lepcha chieftain Thekong-thek and Nekong-ngal requested Khey Bumsa to enter upon with eternal blood brotherhood between the Lepchas and Bhutias.
The oath taking ceremony was held in Kabi Longtsok N.Sikkim between the Lepchas and Bhutias, it witnessed the sacrifice of several animals and with the invocation of the Guardian deity of Sikkim Mt Khangchendzonga and other local deities to witness the occasion of this solemn oath. Commemorating the significance of the event, Supreme deity Mt Khangchendzonga is since venerated also as “Witness God” during the annual Panglhabsol ceremony in Sikkim which falls on the 15th day of the 7th month of the Tibetan lunar calendar. Today this event is an inseparable part of both the Bhutias and Lepchas of Sikkim.
The modern phase dates 16th century onwards with the glorious arrival of the three highly-enlightened masters i.e. Gyalwa lhatsun Namkha jigme, Ngadak Sempa Chenpo and Kathok Kuntu Sangpo from Tibet to this land. All the three lamas assembled at Norbugang Yuksom West Sikkim and finally according to the proper interpretation of prophecies and pondering the sacred meanings of all oracle guidebooks, prophecies of Guru Rinpoche and all other relevant sacred scriptures. Finally it was established dispelling all the doubts that one boy named “Pintso” from the direction of East (Gangtok) of a royal lineage of the previous Bhutia Chieftain Khey Bumsa’s youngest Son Miponrab was consecrated and installed as first Chogyal or Dharma Raja of Sikkim known as Pintso Namgyal in the year 1642 AD. Thus from 1642 till 1975 Sikkim was ruled by the Chogyals.
Traditionally, the Bhutias have been engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry as their means of livelihood. The food production and food habits of the Bhutia community in Sikkim are as follows:
The Bhutias practice subsistence farming, growing a variety of crops suited to hilly terrain of Sikkim. Staple crops include rice, wheat, barley, maize, and millets. They also cultivate vegetables such as potatoes, radishes, turnips and leafy greens. Cultivation of large Cardamom is also one of the main sources of income.
Livestock rearing is an integral part of the Bhutia community’s agriculture practices. They raise Cattle, Yaks and Poultry for Milk, Meat and Eggs. Yaks are particularly important as they are well adapted to the high – altitude regions of Sikkim like Lachung and Lachen and provide milk, meat and fiber.
The Bhutia cuisine traditional dishes include following:

It is considered to be a traditional Sikkimese dish like by both the royalties and the common man. It is like the Dosa preparation of the South Indian Community. Normally, buckwheat preparation is preferred but it is also prepared from powdered rice, millet and also wheat. it is rolled with green vegetables like ngotse (spinach), cottage cheese, “Semtse” (silam) and is eaten as roll.

Zhero is a typical Sikkimese Bhutia traditional snack. The required quantity of rice is kept submerged in water for a night and it is pounded into powder the following morning. This is then mixed with sufficient quantity of water so as to make the dough flow easily. Depending upon demand either sugar or salt is added to the mixture. It is then fried in oil. One cannot do without Zhero preparation on all important occasion and it is a must during Lossong festival.

Chagdung is a Bhutia traditional snacks it means break and pound. It is a maize preparation. Maize is pounded and the powder portion is removed through strainer. The solid portion which is a healthy diet replacement of diabetic patients is then kept submerged in water for one or two days. It is then fried in small quantities and pounded in a “chom” (a rice husking wooden structure) and brought into a shape of a cup. The preparation process is very arduous. It calls for a lot of labour and strength from grinding, husking, submerging in water, frying and again pounding.

Khabse is another traditional bhutia snack which is a deep fried biscuit recipe made with simple ingredients such as all purpose flour milk salt/sugar and is cooked in oil. These traditional snacks are served in all occasions such as marriage, death ceremony etc.

SAYO (Puff Rice)
Sayo (puff rice) is a popular snack among the Bhutia Community in Sikkim. It is made by heating rice grains in sand until they puff up, resulting in a light, crispy texture. It’s a beloved snack served together with Zhero and Khabse and enjoyed with tea during festivals and gatherings.
MINCHA KHUM (Millet Roti)
The Bhutia Community in Sikkim often makes rotis using millet flour. This roti is known as Mincha Khu, is a flatbread made by mixing millet flour with water and then cooking them on a griddle. It is a nutritious and staple part of their diet, rich in fiber and essential nutrients.
Other food items includes:
- Su-zya: Churned tea.
- Ozya: Milk tea.
- Chyathang: Black tea.
- Phyo-khu: A flatbread made from buck-wheat and is of two types’ sweet and bitter.
- Makhu: A combination of butter and cottage cheese.
- Langshya Gareay: Beef.
- Fakshya Gareay: Pork.
- Gyuma: Suasages.
- Pak-thuk. Noodles.
- Kencho-Byashu.
- Kosha-kehu.
- Lakha-Kehu.
- Bongbu-namchyo.
- Byang-khu khabzey: honey comb snack.
- Hentey.
The Bhutia community in Sikkim has distinct traditional dress costumes and ornaments that are an integral part of their cultural identity. Here are some details about the dress costumes and ornaments of the Bhutia community.

The kho or Bakhu is a traditional dress worn by Bhutia community “Pho kho” is worn by bhutia men and “Mo kho” is worn by bhutia women. Pho kho is a loose, cloak-style garment and that is fastened at neck on one side and near the waist with a silk or cotton belt. Inside pho kho bhutia men wear shirt type design called “hondass” and from outside they wear “Jyaza”(sleeveless waist coat) and wear a cap known as “Thori shyambu”.The Bhutia women wear a silken full-sleeve blouse called “honju” inside Mo Kho; a loose gown type garment fastened near the waist, tightened with a belt. From outside they wear “kushen” (coat type). Married women tie a multi colored striped apron of woolen cloth called “Pangden” around their waist and wears a cap known as “Tshering Kyenka”.

Following list of ornaments are usually worn by bhutia women.
- “Nasung Along”(ear ring)
- “zubku” (Ring)
- “Dopchhem”
- “Ghau”
- “phiru”(pearl Ornament)
- “Diu”(gold Bangle)
- “Zee Mutik”(precious stones)
The Sikkimese Bhutia Community has a rich tradition of folk songs, folk tales and dances that reflect their cultural heritage and way of life. Here are some examples:
Sikkimese bhutia Folk songs are passed over many generations through oral traditions. Like any other true folk songs, many have no known authors. The wordings of these songs are an expression of the people’s culture and traditional values which are passed down orally from generation to generation. There are total 7 types of folksongs sung during different occasions. They are known as:
- Tsog-lu (spiritual song)
- Gurmo(spiritual song)
- gyal-lu (patriotic song)
- zhung-lu (traditional songs related with one culture)
- Tel-lu
- Dhe-lu (song that is sung in a sitting position)
- lu-shyag/rtsed-lu (similar to “Dohori Geet” where two group sits on opposite sides and the goal is to keep improvising until one group runs out of witty answers)
The Sikkimese Bhutia Community has rich traditions of Folk Dances that are an integral part of their cultural heritage. Mainly there are two type of Folk dance
- spritual/religious dance.
- Cultural dance
Spiritual or religious dance known as “Chaam” or the ritualistic masked dances are performed by the monk in the different monasteries of Sikkim; some of the famous masked dances are as follows:
Pemayangtse Monastery in West Sikkim is known for its masked dance held to mark at the end of the year and beginning of Losar(Tibetan New Year). For two days on 28th and 29th of Tibetan lunar calendar, Lamas from the Monastery dress up in colorful costumes to represent Guru-drag-mar for peace and tranquility in the region as well as for all sentient beings.

This dance is performed during Pang-lhabsol festival, organized in honor of the state’s guardian deity Mt Khangchendzonga. Often seen as a warrior dance, the third Chogyal(dharma raja) of Sikkim Chagdor Namgyal introduced this dance form.

In the honour of kagyed-eight tantrik Gods and goddesses, the monks performs mask dance at the monasteries, specifically at old Rumtek monastery, Phodong monastery and Tshuklakhang palace Monastery, and offer prayers to deity for the well being of all sentient beings and to ward evil.

Bhutia folk dance “Tashi Shabdo” – This age old group dance beautifully and gracefully shows the customs of offering khadas(silk scarf) on the auspicious occasion such as Marriage ceremony, opening of the new house etc. the dancers dance to the melodious tunes dully supported by musical instrument.
This group dance comprising of boys and girls is performed to pay homage to the past saints such as Guru Rinpoche and present saints in order to get their blessings.
A group of boys and girls through this dance try to invoke benign deities to shower fortunes on their home and prosperity to the people. It is performed during the consecration of a new house and to bless a newly married couple.
This dance depicts the movement of the yak and the simple lifestyle of the people of high altitude. The dancers don the costume and mask of the yak, and tune their steps to traditional songs and instrumental music.

Singyee dance is performed during the worship of Guardian deity of Sikkim Mt Khangchendzonga. Singyee dance is mostly performed on Panglhabsol and other auspicious festivals. While performing Singyee cham a man acts as a headsman to guide and show direction to the Singyee Dance. This dance symbolizes well being and peace for all.

There are two type of musical instruments associated with Bhutia community.
- Religious musical instruments
- Cultural musical instruments






Religious musical instruments are not exclusive to the bhutia community, it is a significant part of the wider Himalayan Buddhist cultural heritage.

Two string instruments. Horse tail is used for the string and bamboo is used to make stick to play this instrument. Whereas, the main part of it is made of wood. Its length is 24 inch and lower width is 6 inch. Piwang are usually played in typical folk songs.

Dra-ngyen is a long instrument. It is made of wood called Tako. It is mostly found in high altitude areas and it can rarely be found.

This instrument actually looks like “Santoor” but if we look it carefully there is a vast difference between Gyumang and santoor. It has 48 strings. Stick which is used to play Gyumang is 13inch long and is made of bamboo.

yarga has 8 bells and is used in dance.

The Bhutia Community of Sikkim has rich oral traditions that include a wide range of folklores and folktales. These stories have been passed down through generations, carrying cultural and moral values. Here are few examples folklores and folktales from the Bhutia community:
Like many other communities, the Bhutia people have stories that explain the origins of their people, culture, and traditions. These myths often involve supernatural beings, Gods, and heroes.
Bhutia folklore often includes stories about the relationship between humans and nature emphasizing the interconnectedness and reverence for the natural world.
The Bhutia community has a deep spiritual connection with their ancestral deities and local gods. Folklore often recounts tales of these deities interaction with humans, their acts of benevolence or wrath, and rituals associated with them.
Guru Dongmar Lake is a sacred lake located in North Sikkim and holds a great spiritual significance for the Bhutia community. According to the legend, the lake was named after Guru Padmasambhava (Guru Rinpoche), the revered Buddhist saint who visited the region in the 8th century and meditated near the lake. The legend goes that when Guru Padmasambhava visited the area, he found that the lake was frozen during the winter making it impossible to aces the water. In response, Guru Padmasambhava touched a part of the lake, and miraculously, that portion of the lake never freezes even during the harshest winter. It is believed that the lake’s water have miraculous healing properties and is considered a place of pilgrimage for Buddhist devotees.
The Bhutia Community in Sikkim celebrates several festivals throughout the year, which reflect their rich cultural heritage and traditions. These festivals are marked by vibrant rituals, music, dance and religious ceremonies. Here are some of the prominent festivals of the Bhutia community in Sikkim:
Lossong also known as Sonam Lossong is the festival of the Bhutia Community. It usually falls on the 11th month of lunar calendar (December or January). Lossong marks the end of the harvest season and the beginning of a new agriculture cycle. The festival is celebrated with great enthusiasm and includes traditional dances, music archery competitions and feasting.
Saga dawa is a significant Buddhist festival celebrated by the Bhutia community in Sikkim. It commemorates the Birth, Enlightenment, and Parinirvana of Gautama Buddha. The festival falls on the full moon day of the fourth lunar month.
Lhabab Duechen is another Buddhist festival celebrated by the Bhutia Community. It commemorates the descent of Buddha from realm of the Gods(Tushita Heaven) after visiting his Mother. The festival is observed on 22nd day of the ninth lunar month (around October or November).
Bum means –vase, chu means –water, Bumchu festival is a unique festival celebrated at Tashiding Moastery in Sikkim by Bhutia community. The festival is held on the 14th and 15th days of the first month of lunar calendar (around February or March) and is characterized by the holy water ceremony. The precious vase is very holy and is believed that the water inside the vase fill it itself and is opened at Bumchu festival. The level of water is believed to foretell the future events and the well-being of the people and state.
The single most important traditional and religious festival of the Bhutias as well as Lepchas of Sikkim is the Panglhabsol worship of the guardian deity of Sikkim , Mt khangchendzongs and all the local deities. It is a festival observed only by the Bhutias and Lepchas of Sikkim and is not observed by the other Vajrayana Buddhist communities of the Trans Himalayas. It is the historic occasion of the signing of blood brotherhood between the Lepchas and Bhutias of Sikkim in Kabi-Lungtsok, in north Sikkim. The Panglhabsol festival is celebrated the 15th day of the 7th month of the Tibetan lunar calendar (around mid august or September).
The sikkimese Bhutia community primarily speaks a language known as Sikkimese Bhutia lho-kay or Drenjong-kay. It is a Tibeto-burman language belonging to the sino-tibetan language family. Sikkimese Bhutia is one of the state recognized languages spoken in the state of Sikkim. Lho-kay or drenjong- kay was only a dialect at start but it has now been brought into print form and is being taught as a language subject government Schools and colleges from primary section till M.A and PhD in Sikkim University.
Bhutia community have their unique cultural practices, religious beliefs, and healing traditions. While Bhutia people primarily follow Tibetan Buddhism, there are also elements of animism and shamanistic practices within their religious framework.
In terms of healing, the Bhutia community relies on a combination of spiritual and traditional medicinal practices. They believe in the existence of supernatural forces and spirits that can affect a person’s health and well-being. Traditional healers, known as “Pao” (which is male) and “Nezom”(which is female) they plays a significant role in the community as intermediaries between the spiritual realm and the physical world. They are believed to possess supernatural powers and communicate with the deities and spirits. They use various techniques such as rituals, chants, offerings, and herbal medicines to cure aliments. The healing process often involves diagnosing the spiritual cause of the illness, which is attributed to the factors like displeased deities, ancestral spirits, or negative energy. The Pao and Nezom perform ceremonies and rituals to appease these spirits and restore the balance of energy in the person’s body.
Apart from Pao and Nezom bhutia community also seeks guidance and healing from Buddhist Monks and Monasteries. These spiritual leaders provide blessings, prayers and teachings to promote physical and spiritual well being.
Over all, the Bhutia community’ beliefs and healing practices reflect a rich blend of Buddhism, animism, and shamanism, emphasizing the interconnectedness of the physical and spiritual realms.
- Sikkimese Bhutia Songs, Yak and Singhi dance and Musical Instruments. Yangchok Lachenpa 2021.
- Barfung Lingdam Dolue Sikkimese Marriage Custom and rites. Sonam Gyatso Dokhangba. 2001.
- Denjong Sunglu compilation of Traditional Sikkimese Folk songs by P.T Gyamtso. 2009.
- Denzong Charab. Sikkim Government Schools Bhutia class 10 subject.
- Denzong Gyalrab, compiled and edited by their Highness the Maharaja Sir Thutob Namgyal, KCIE and Maharani Yeshey Dolma of Sikkim (in Tibetan language).